3200 Dakota Common, Unit B #1014 Burlington, ON L7M 2A7
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Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA)
www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories; and various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system.
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www.mpac.ca Each year, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) prepares an assessment roll for every Ontario municipality. The roll provides the assessed value of all the properties in a municipality or in the jurisdiction of a school board with taxing authority. MPAC also prepares supplementary assessment lists, which municipalities use to add in-year tax revenue […]
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www.cmhc.ca Backed by 60 years of experience, we work with community organizations, the private sector, non-profit agencies and all levels of government to help create innovative solutions to today's housing challenges, anticipate tomorrow's needs, and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.
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www.genworth.ca Genworth Financial assists families with mortgages, protects families through insurance and helps customers secure their financial future.
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equifax.ca Equifax compiles credit reporting data from many sources and creates a credit file that reflects your personal credit history including your FICO score. Now you can view your credit report online enabling you to monitor your credit and monitor your score while protecting yourself from identity theft. Before making major purchases, such as buying […]
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Toronto index stopped trending down in January
In January the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM rose 0.3% from the previous month, a tic higher than the historical average for January and a second consecutive monthly increase. However, only four of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed showed gains – the first time since January 2016 that a rise in the Composite […]
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2018 CMHC Prospective Home Buyers Survey
In October 2017, CMHC surveyed 2,507 prospective home buyers on-line. Respondents were all prime household decision-makers who intend to purchase a new home within the next two years, including approximately 1,500 First-Time Buyers, 500 current owners, and 500 previous owners. The survey results highlight that: • First-Time Buyers and Previous Owners share the same top […]
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